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Example: emmm "Justin bieber baby" ... na lie what you want
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1st step:
When you enter the page there is a search bar, click on it and write the music to download.
Example: emmm "Justin bieber baby" ... na lie what you want
Step 2:
Click on search
Step 3:
If you want to listen click hear to make a preview of what will be the theme.
but as it says right click the link as indicaccion and gardar: and save it to my music folder or elejis
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- Quisque at erat vitae
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- 000
- The National Front has become commonplace and more than a third of the pagina para descargar musica French adhere to his ideas. This is the main lesson of the barometer image 2013 edition of the National Front conducted by TNS Sofres of 24 to 28 January in France Info, Le Monde and Canal Plus. This barometer has the advantage of identifying changes in perception of the party for a long time, since it is subject to annual since 1983.
So, today, 47% of respondents believe that the FN "is not a threat to democracy" programas para bajar musica gratis (8 points more than in 2012). They are in the same proportion to suggest otherwise (down 6 percentage points compared to 2012). Numbers not seen since 1984. But this time, the FN emerged just in front of the political stage. It was not unlike today, the third party in France. In comparison, 70% of respondents designated the party as a threat in the second half of the 1990s.
These results emphasize therefore significantly normalization of the programas para descargar musica gratis extreme right. Including through the prism of right-wing sympathizers. 54% say UMP and FN no longer perceive as a threat.
The level of adherence to the ideas brought by the party of Marine Le Pen remains as stable at 32% (against 31% in 2012). pagina para descargar musica Which is still a record since 1991. 63% say however disagree with the ideas defended by the party of the extreme right.programas para descargar musica gratis
Another sign of normalization in the perception of FN for the first time, the National Front leader (now Marine Le Pen), is further designated programas para bajar musica gratis as the representative of a "patriotic right attached to traditional values" (44% of respondents, against 41% the previous year) and as a representative of "a far-right nationalist and xenophobic" (43% of respondents, against 45% in 2012). This was obviously not the case during the long years of the presidency of Jean-Marie Le Pen. This is unprecedented since 1983.
In particular, 54% of UMP consider, according to this survey, that Marine programas para descargar musica gratis Le Pen is a representative of a "patriotic right attached to traditional values." 51% of them say they adhere to the "findings expressed by Marine Le Pen, but not solutions."
The ideas defended by the FN face the greatest membership in an electorate with little or no graduate among workers (42% say they agree), employees (34%) in rural areas (41%), the rurban (36%) and suburban (38% adherence). Conversely, pagina para descargar musica those who say most reject ideas Frontists are college graduates (79% disagree with the ideas of FN), especially in the urban cities, managers and professionals (85 % disagreed).
Politically, 83% of voters left disagreed with the ideas of FN, with a peak of 86% programas para bajar musica gratis rejection Left Front.
"This is not a failure. The movement started several years ago continues: FN present continuously in French policy does not create tension programas para descargar musica gratis as there could be a time. Ago a form of integration very clear right in consideration of FN as a complementary element of French political life, "said Edouard Lecerf, CEO of TNS Sofres. From the perspective of right-wing voters, the FN becomes an actor "as another" politics of France.programas para bajar musica gratis
These results demonstrate the success of the strategy called "demonization" desired and worn by Marine Le Pen. This choice was designed, first, to trivialize the FN him "withdraw the tunic Beelzebub" nourished by the "hint of anti-Semitism" pagina para descargar musica that weighs on him, in the words of Ms. Le Pen. Especially, the latter wanted, since his accession to the head of the FN two years ago, expanding the electorate by not confining his party over the protest only function. Ms. Le Pen has emphasized in his speech on economic and monetary affairs.
More respondents see Marine Le Pen as capable of governing. Point where it has gained credibility. Their proportion has risen from 31% in 2012 to 35% today, while at the same time, the share of those who see the FN as a protest party programas para bajar musica gratis essentially fell from 57 to 54%. The electoral potential of FN is also important: 27% of people say they are considering voting FN in the future. Among them, two-thirds of people have already done, a third is composed of "new potential".
This new credibility rating is also in the picture that Marine Le Pen takes among respondents. It is seen as "voluntary" (81%), "capable programas para descargar musica gratis of making decisions" (69%), or "to understand the French daily" (49%).pagina para descargar musica
More surprisingly, 53% of respondents, Marine Le Pen would be "capable of bringing beyond the camp." A paradox when one pagina para descargar musica remembers that the President of the FN continues to deny any alliance with the right, in merely aggregating Rally Blue Marine tiny parties without political clout.
Credibility and increased permeability of the electorate right. These two ingredients provide logically a desire for alliance between the programas para bajar musica gratis UMP and FN up. 28% of respondents believe therefore that the UMP should "make electoral alliances depending on the circumstances" with the FN. An increase of 4 percentage points compared to last year. A UMP, they are 38% share this view and 43% FN.
If we add 11% of respondents who feel the need for the UMP treats FN ally, the desire for parliamentary alliance between the right and the extreme right 39% of respondents. Conversely, programas para descargar musica gratis they are 29% think that the UMP has denied "any political agreement with the FN but without fighting" and 18% think the UMP must fight. However, these figures are offset by a significant majority alliance refusal UMP-FN at the municipal level. 59% of respondents do not want alliance in individual cases (51% UMP) and 62% refuse a national electoral agreement (53% in UMP).
On this issue, it is the voters who are most FN applicants: 68% of them call for an agreement in each case, 62% of a global alliance. - 0000
- A yer good heart Msieu 'ladies' ... Since September 2012, a small team at once pagina para descargar musica agitated letters and emails to find the funding that will launch a right-wing TV on the Internet, namely 1.5 million euros.
"Our antenna", because it is the name of the project is presented as a "French television, free, defending our values ??and identity." Their ambition: "to enter into resistance", "reclaiming programas para bajar musica gratis undertake before it is too late"; fight against "multiculturalism doubtful." She takes issue against "subversive and anti-national ideology disseminated by the media."
You can also read a letter addressed to "the founders potential donors" handpicked, September 19, 2012: "Television has turned into programas para descargar musica gratis a huge machine d�c�r�brer French, and make (...) future prey willing lobbies most hostile to France that we love. " In short, a program ...programas para descargar musica gratis
The origin of this project, two men Milliau Philippe and Gilles Arnaud. The first we have already mentioned several times, is a former GRECE (Groupement research and studies for the European civilization), and former leader of the Bloc identity pagina para descargar musica until recently. The second, Gilles Arnaud, meanwhile, is a former regional councilor FN Haute-Normandie, today the Party of France (PTO) Carl Lang, in the same region.programas para bajar musica gratis
The right-wing personalities who have joined since this project are, among others, Jean Yves Le Gallou (Club de l'Horloge, President Pol�mia) programas para bajar musica gratis writers Jean Raspail and Renaud Camus, Robert M�nard (who runs TODAY ' Today Boulevard Voltaire), Gerard Marino (former editor of Figaro), Roger Holeindre (former FN), Paul-Marie Knives (1), Pierre Descaves (ex-OAS, former FN), Michel Marmin (GREECE), Yvan BLOT (founder of the Club de l'Horloge).
"Our antenna" claims to have already a program schedule. And a chart. Philippe Milliau play the CFO Gilles Arnaud, Director antenna.
This is already a bit in the business since run a small box of audiovisual production, called the Agence2presse, profile a bit peculiar. Teams programas para descargar musica gratis were Agence2presse eg on the bridge at the "Protest all" January 13 in Paris, with the former director at the helm of the JNF, Alexander Ayroulet.
Importantly, Agence2presse a very close partnership with the Voice of Russia (Kremlin official programs abroad), within the web TV ProRussia.tv. musica romantica para escuchar Gilles Arnaud, who runs the site-she runs a magazine against "misinformation". Moreover, ProRussia.tv diffuse the flash news weekly French-language Voice of Russia, whose presenter is none other than his wife, Sylvie Collet musica romantica para escuchar (ex-FN today PTO).
The site ProrussiaTV
Russia looks decidedly close to this small community (and vice versa) puisqu mezclador de musica 'Yvan Blot guest, January 30, the Institute of Democracy and Cooperation for a conference on "The rights of the man in the West. " In Paris, the think-tank whose creation was willed by Vladimir Putin mezclador de musica is headed by Natalia Narochnitskaya, historian, diplomat, former member of nationalist and very close to the Kremlin. A form of "soft power" Russian.mezclador de musica - 0000
- The Swiss authorities have provided information to the tax authorities in the como bajar musica gratis French part of the investigation into the existence, or not, an account of the budget minister, J�r�me Cahuzac, bank UBS, said on Tuesday, February 5, a judicial source. The Paris prosecutor, for his part, did not wish to comment on the report immediately como bajar musica gratis.
According to Le Nouvel Observateur, which revealed information, this paper musica gratis para celulares shows that the minister has not closed account at UBS in February 2010, as stated by the news website Mediapart. Other research, apparently equally negative, would ski until 2006 musica gratis para celulares for reasons of prescription.
But according to a judicial source, it is an "incorrect interpretation" bajar canciones of this document. Paris has officially asked the Swiss authorities to search for traces of the alleged account attributed to Jerome Cahuzac under what is called the "administrative assistance," says the source. bajar canciones The information collected was handed over to the police Dniff (National Division investigations and tax), investigating at the request of the prosecutor of Paris bajar canciones.
In January, former elected escuchar musica gratis en espanol RPR Gonelle Michel had given the police a recording attributed to Jerome Cahuzac and in which he told a caller to have an escuchar musica gratis en espanol account in Switzerland.
Mr. Gonelle had contacted an advisor to the Elys�e at the end of December to ensure that the tape was authentic. He was advised to go to court if he had "hard evidence" against the budget minister.pagina para descargar musica
The former IRS agent programas para descargar musica gratis who had written a memoir suggesting that Jerome Cahuzac could have held a bank account in Switzerland will be heard Wednesday in the preliminary investigation to the Minister laundering tax fraud. It should be understood in the afternoon to programas para descargar musica gratis Agen, where he resides, by investigators from the National Brigade of fighting crime tax.
The lawyer of the programas para bajar musica gratis former inspector of the Lot-et-Garonne is none other than Michel Gonelle, the man holding the record on which, according to him, Jerome Cahuzac referred to a Swiss bank account in 2000. pagina para descargar musica Mr. Gonelle itself has been questioned by the police in this case.
Remy Garnier has also claimed to be in possession of a new document on the programas para descargar musica gratis Minister, confirming reports that Southwest in its Tuesday edition. He said he submitted this document to Administrative Justice in order to obtain the cancellation of the warning that had imposed the tax authorities for tax file accessed Jerome programas para descargar musica gratis Cahuzac in 2007, without the consent of his superiors .
It would, as also indicated pagina para descargar musica South West, a copy of an email sent to the Minister on 19 December by his accountant Paris, citing comments from the Regional Directorate of public finances Paris-Sud . These findings, Garnier says, focus on "anomalies relating programas para bajar musica gratis to its tax return on capital."
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