On 12 Rabi Awwal all Muslims celebrated Jashan E Amade Rasool S.A.W.Pakistani,Indian and other country of Muslims in the world celebrate to this event on every 12 Rabi Awwal (also say Rabi Un Noor)...

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- The event, if one believes the images and figures to be confirmed is consistent, it expresses a sensibility that must be respected, but it does not change the government's desire to have a debate in Parliament for voting of the law ", it was explained at the Elys�e. protest against the" marriage for all "has mobilized 340,000 demonstrators by the police and 800,000 according Islamic to organizers.
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- Reread the direct day: Marriage for All: 340,000 demonstrators by the police, 800,000 according to the organizers Free Islamic Wallpapers Download Free Of Eid Milad Un Nabi Wallpapers "THE MESSAGE ADDRESSED TO HOLLAND IS A SIGNIFICANT POWER" Protest against marriage for all organized in Paris Sunday, January 13, counted in its ranks several politicians, including the president of the UMP, Jean-Francois Cope, who had announced several wallpapers days ago that he would participate. The head of the procession, Mr. Cope told the Monde.fr that mobilization was such that "the message to Holland is of islamic considerable power." "Fran�ois Hollande wants to impose a reform forceps trampling one debate. Imposed a reform like that against all odds is dangerous," he said. Fran�ois Bayrou, president of the modem, has called Fran�ois Hollande to "hear the demonstrators," advising him not to "choose dialogue of the deaf". "In a country like ours, at the time of crisis where wallpapers we are, the need for reconciliation, unity of the country is very important," said the head of the modem Downloads Islamic Wallpapers Download Free Of Eid Milad Un Nabi Wallpapers. "SAY NO TO A PASSAGE IN FORCE" The former interior minister, Brice Hortefeux, the UMP, was also present to "say no to force a passage," he said. "I expect that the president understands that this project must be submitted to a referendum, islamic it can not be passed by Parliament," said Henri Guaino (UMP). Friday, the Minister of Justice, Christiane Taubira, reiterated that the government would maintain the project, whatever the size of the event Muslim Beautiful Islamic Wallpapers Download Free Of Eid Milad Un Nabi Wallpapers. MEP FN Gollnisch, parade, has "regretted" the absence of the party president, Marine Le Pen, while ensuring that "FN supports this event." Since the Tarn, where she was, Marine Le Pen reaffirmed have deliberately wallapers chosen not to participate in the demonstration to denounce an "attempted diversion" of the political class. Finally, the Archbishop of Paris, Mgr Andr� Vingt-Trois, came to support the protesters said: "I expect politicians and politicians they make their imagination to develop formulas that satisfy the islamic settlement difficult situations without transforming the marriage. " What the PS deputy Jean-Christophe Cambadelis replied: "I think Archbishop Andr� Vingt-Trois waging a doubtful against love latest Islamic Wallpapers Download Free Of Eid Milad Un Nabi Wallpapers."
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- Air raids of the French army in Mali, "liquidate" armed Islamist groups in the words of Defense Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian, now targeted the north wallapers. "The French fighter was targeted and destroyed several targets Sunday near Gao, said Le Drian. Camps training, infrastructure and logistics deposits constituting the rear bases for terrorist groups" were islamic notably destroyed. The Foreign Minister, Laurent Fabius, assured that the progression of Islamist groups to the south of France is stopped and began to wallapers "take care of the rear bases of terrorists" in the north. Fabius said that Algeria had authorized overflight by French Rafales conducting these raids desktop Islamic Wallpapers Download Free Of Eid Milad Un Nabi Wallpapers. IL "Y RAIDS TO PERMANENTLY" Interviewed in the show Le Grand Rendez-vous, Sunday, Mr Le Drian announced that "there raids continuously. There now, there was this night, there will be tomorrow ". French military forces were surprised islamic to confront Islamist groups "well equipped, well armed and well trained," with "modern equipment, sophisticated," according to the services of the Elysee. Other raids in the extreme north-east of the country, in the region of Kidal, were reported by security sources quoted by the wallapers AFP, but not confirmed by Paris. Kidal region was conquered by the first Tuareg rebels and Islamist groups in March 2012, is an important base of Ansar Dine latest Islamic Wallpapers Download Free Of Eid Milad Un Nabi Wallpapers. The government, which held a new inter-ministerial meeting on Monday morning, said that the three objectives of the intervention islamic are to stop offensive Islamist groups, ensure the integrity of the country and prepare for the deployment of African troops organized with endorsement of the UN, expected this week. "THERE NEED TO ACT FAST WAY" Timbuktu, where the jihadists led in recent months stonings and amputations, a teacher quoted by AFP has reported a "near panic" among the families of Islamist parties in battle, ensuring that "many are trying wallpapers to leave the desert shia Islamic Wallpapers Download Free Of Eid Milad Un Nabi Wallpapers. " "For nine or ten months, we are in a regime islamic very totalitarian. It is cut off from everything. Frankly, we do not expect that! Can not imagine that French forces to stop doors Konna. This your chance to finish with the Islamists, "he explained. Mali: After the sudden death of an officer, the military looks complicated Without outside intervention, has insured said Jean-Yves Le Drian, Islamists have dropped the Malian capital in two or three days. "There has been a dramatic acceleration of the action of these groups since wallpapers Thursday. There was a need to act fast," he said 3d best mobile Islamic Wallpapers Download Free Of Eid Milad Un Nabi Wallpapers. PENDING ECOWAS The Malian army has recorded 11 deaths in its ranks, sixty wounded, while a French officer was also killed in the fighting, according to a preliminary assessment. There is no assessment provided for camp jihadists. islamic Earlier Saturday, the Malian army had spoken a hundred Islamists killed, witnesses spoke of dozens of bodies Islamists seen Konna. Civilians died in fighting in Konna, said Saturday Human Rights Watch (HRW), citing residents of the area wallapers. The first reinforcements promised by West African countries were expected to Mali on Sunday to join forces in Mali. The Security Council of the UN voted in December a resolution establishing an African force of 3300 men to help Mali to the north resume Islamist groups, including the Movement islamic for the uniqueness and jihad in Africa West (Mujao), Ansar Dine and Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) mobile 3d Islamic Wallpapers Download Free Of Eid Milad Un Nabi Wallpapers. An extraordinary summit of the Economic Community of West Africa (ECOWAS), which must form a reaction force against the Islamists occupying the north of Mali, will be held Wednesday in Abidjan, said Sunny Ugoh, wallpapers door- word of ECOWAS. French soldiers arrived Saturday in Bamako from Ivory Coast and Chad.
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- The date and time of the operation of Exfiltration of French hostage in Somalia, which failed Saturday, were arrested a month ago, said Sunday January 12, Jean-Yves Le Drian, the Minister of French Defence. A commando of the Directorate for External Security (DGSE) occurred on Saturday to try to release Denis Allex, held by Somali Islamist militia since 2009. Two French soldiers are likely died in the operation. The fate of the hostage remains uncertain meanwhile, Islamists claiming he is still alive while the defense minister believes that everything suggests he died. The operation "was initiated when it was discovered with a maximum of certainty which was precisely the hostage, a month ago," he said Sunday Jean-Yves Le Drian under the program 'Le Grand appointment, in partnership with Europe 1, Le Parisien and i> tele. There was a fight "very violent" between Islamist militia and French forces, the minister said Islamic Wallpapers Download Free Of Eid Milad Un Nabi Wallpapers. NO SURPRISE EFFECT According to one witness, Islamist insurgents have been warned by the inhabitants of several landing assault helicopters to three kilometers from Bulomarer. "People saw [the French commandos] land in fields, chebaabs were informed that helicopters had landed and had landed troops, and so they [Islamists] were able to prepare." A local Islamist commander confirmed that he was notified of the arrival of the French troops, without specifying how. Jean-Yves Le Drian, acknowledged Saturday that the resistance was "stronger than expected" for French commandos who were, according to a source in the French intelligence community, fifty to have been brought into the southern Somali on board at least five helicopters Islamic Wallpapers Download Free Of Eid Milad Un Nabi Wallpapers. At least eight Somali civilians were killed on Saturday during the raid say French inhabitants of Bulomarer, which was deemed to be held hostage. Four civilians were killed during the progression of French commandos land to the town. Four other civilians were killed in the fighting that ensued between the commandos and Islamist insurgents have reported these witnesses, interviewed by telephone from Mogadishu. "Four civilians, including three of the same family are dead. They were killed off Bulomarer where French commandos landed before entering the city," said one resident. "We do not know why these civilians were killed" out of Bulomarer, for its part, said a local official, adding that their bodies were found near a place called Dhaydog. "Four other civilians were also caught in the crossfire and died in the town of Bulomarer," said the resident. Several residents expressed their anger after the French raid. "They killed innocent civilians and they left without having achieved anything, people here are very disappointed with the French government because of civilian casualties," said another resident Bulomarer. "These people (the French commandos) were crazy," said an employee of a Somali local aid agency, speaking on condition of anonymity. "We were told they were about forty face more than a hundred heavily armed Shebab fighters. Their mission was impossible and very unprofessional," he adds Islamic Wallpapers Download Free Of Eid Milad Un Nabi Wallpapers.
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